ADB hosts In-Country Training in Colombo, Sri Lanka
Law professors representing institutions from Sri Lanka and India were trained at the 8th In-Country Train-the-Trainer (TTT) workshop.
Last updated: 1 June 2018
Introduction to the Training Program
Last updated: 1 June 2018
TTT Program Outline and Teaching Materials

Sanjeevi Shanthakumar
Emeritus Professor
University of Sydney

Camena Guneratne
Professor of Law
Vermont Law School

Nupur Chowdhury
Professor / Head
Department of Law, University of Yangon

Sarveswaran Arulanantham
Department of Law, Taunggyi University

Bharat H. Desai
Department of Law, Taungoo University

Carmen Gonzalez
Department of Law, Taungoo University
Session 1
Presentation: Introduction to the TTT Project and this Program
Session 2
Presentation: How can the TTT website work better for you?
Presentation: Global and Regional Environmental Issues
Session 3
Presentation: Introduction to Environmental and Climate Change Law: Goals, Principles and Norms
Presentation: Introduction to Environmental Law Drafting Exercise: Legislative Definition of "Environment"
Session 4
Presentation: Environmental Planning and EIA Law
Presentation: Case-study - EIA legislation on the Port City Project
Session 5
Presentation: Environmental Protection Law
Session 6
Presentation: Biodiversity and Heritage Protection Law
Session 7
Presentation: Natural Resources Management Law
Session 8
Presentation: Climate Change Legislation and NDCs Implementation - Sri Lanka
Presentation: Climate Change and Clean Energy Law
Presentation: Climate Change Legislation and NDCs Implementation - India
Session 9
Presentation: Environmental Litigation - A Comparative Perspective
Presentation: Environmental Dispute Resolution and the Role of Judiciary - Indian Experience with the National Green Tribunal
Session 10
Presentation: Environmental Law Clinics
Presentation: Rights in Environmental and Climate Change Law
Session 11
Presentation: International Environmental Law
Presentation: Process for Ratification of Treaties in India
Session 13
Presentation: Sethu Samudram Canal Project Case Study
Presentation: Fisheries dispute between India and Sri Lanka
Presentation: Regional Environmental and Climate Change Law - Regional Environmental Law System in South Asia
Session 14
Presentation: Design a Climate Change Law Course - Part 1: Review of Teaching Methodologies
Presentation: Educating Millenials
Presentation: Online Environmental and Climate Change Law Resources
Session 17
Presentation: The Role of Assessment
Presentation: Assessment Options
Teaching Exercises
Session 5
Tutorial Problem (Water Pollution Control and Management in Yamuna River)
Session 7 and 12
Alternative Approaches in Environmental Dispute Resolution - Role Play Exercise: Mediation
Session 8 and 11
International Environmental Law Research Assignment
Session 15-16
Attidiya Bird Sanctuary | Article: Bellanwila Attidiya Sanctuary Under Threat
Session 18
Designing an Environmental Law Course - Design Exercise
Syllabus Design Template
©️ Developing Environmental Law Champions, Train-the-Trainers (TTT) Program 2019. All rights reserved by ADB and IUCNAEL. These materials may not be republished, reproduced, modified, distributed, or publicly displayed without their written permission. These materials may be downloaded and reproduced for personal use, provided that the copyright and other proprietary notices on the materials are maintained. For additional copyright permissions, please send an email detailing the nature of your request to the Train-the-Trainers Team.