ADB’s developing member countries are working towards harnessing technology to boost economic growth, expand employment opportunities, and improve service delivery. However, there needs to be a supportive legal and regulatory environment with clear laws to secure online transactions and provide legal certainty to paperless trade. Furthermore, government officials and the private sector require knowledge and capacity to support a safe, efficient, and effective digital economy. At the same time, digital transformation must be more inclusive to ensure that no one is left behind.
Our Impact
ADB’s Law and Policy Reform Program recognizes that for digital technology to have sustainable development impact, more investment is needed in building the legal infrastructure and capacity building. We do this by:
Enabling a Conducive Environment for the Growth of the Digital Economy
- Deepening knowledge and enhancing national and regional expertise on legal and regulatory frameworks for e-commerce
- Conducting diagnostics and identifying legal and regulatory barriers to effective and efficient e-commerce
- Facilitating policy dialogue and supporting legal and regulatory reforms
Digitalizing Trade
- Closing the legislative gap in recognizing digital documents for trade
- Assisting client countries with drafting legislation based on UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records (MLETR) to permit the legal use of electronic documents of title domestically and across borders
- Capacity building of government officials and private sector
Partnership with the ICC Digital Standards Initiative and UNCITRAL
Developing the Fintech Industry
- Assessing existing legislative and regulatory frameworks for FinTech
- Developing roadmaps and legal and regulatory frameworks for FinTech
- Strengthening the capacity of regulators and industry associations
Sharing Knowledge and Ideas
- Developing e-learning courses for government officials and private sector
- Facilitating workshops on e-commerce, digital trade, and FinTech
“I extend my appreciation to ADB and experts. The pandemic has shown that electronic e-commerce is a big benefit to the economy… this research will help us in future decision-making when improving the legislative framework.”

Nurlan Dzhusumaliev, Head of Trade, Policy and Export, Ministry of Economy and Commerce, Republic of Kyrgyzstan
LPR In Action
Knowledge Resources
Final Report - TA-6618 Reg Enabling a Conductive Environment for The Digital Economy - English Translation
A report summarizing the outcomes of e-learning modules developed to support the Enabling a Conducive Environment for the Digital Economy Technical Assistance program.
E-Learning: Introduction to E-commerce
This practical course covers various e-commerce concepts and explains the fundamentals on what e-commerce is, who can be part of it, how it works, and harnessing technology for business and economic growth.
Enabling A Conducive Environment for the Digital Economy in the Kyrgyz Republic Module
This module has been developed for the Kyrgyz Republic to inform and provide tools to government officials, entrepreneurs, and businesses, enabling them to connect to the global community through e-commerce.