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FIU Operational Effectiveness—Findings and Observations from the Asian Development Bank Perspective

This paper examines the specific findings on the level of technical compliance and operational effectiveness of the national financial intelligence units (FIUs) in 55 members of the Asian Development Bank under the mutual evaluations carried out by the Financial Action Task Force and its regional bodies (also referred to as FATF-style regional bodies) in connection with the current international standard for combating money laundering and terrorism financing (i.e. the FATF Recommendations). It also provides three observations for enhancing the use of financial information and intelligence. [Abstract]

International Commercial Arbitration Handbook for Judges (Uzbekistan) (available in Russian, Uzbek, and English)

The development of international commercial arbitration, and the establishment of an arbitration-friendly jurisdiction, hinge significantly on strong judicial support throughout the arbitration proceedings. Judicial support is crucial in the enforcement of the arbitration agreement and recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards.

Climate Change and Biodiversity Legal and Policy Frameworks in Asia-Pacific Developing Countries

This resource provides a tabular analysis of legal and policy frameworks addressing the nexus between climate change and biodiversity among developing countries in Asia and the Pacific.

Unlocking the Potential of Islamic Finance in the Philippines: A Market Analysis and Landscape Report

This report explores the potential of Islamic Finance in the Philippines for domestic and international investors. By examining the country's economic health and financial sector, as well as analyzing demographics, consumer behavior, and demand, the report identifes a promising potential market for Shariah-compliant financial products and services. This is further supported and reinforced by the government’s support and key milestones achieved in building an enabling Islamic finance ecosystem in the country.

Post-Conference Booklet: Strengthening Insolvency Systems in Asia and the Pacific

The Post-Conference Booklet of the Strengthening Insolvency Systems in Asia Conference provides a comprehensive account of the proceedings of the event held on 15-16 December 2022 at the ADB Headquarters. It synthesizes the insights of insolvency law reform experts who explored ways to enhance restructuring and insolvency frameworks in Asia and the Pacific.

Regional Symposium on Forest and Protected Areas Legislation and Jurisprudence: Bridging Law and Science Post-Symposium Booklet

This Post-Symposium Booklet is based on the proceedings of the Regional Symposium on Forest and Protected Areas Legislation and Jurisprudence: Bridging Law and Science, held in Kathmandu, Nepal, from 27–29 April 2023.

Manuál kona-ba Investigasaun ba Ofensas Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru ba Ministériu Públiku Timor-Leste (Handbook on Investigation of Gender-Based Violence Offenses for the Timor-Leste Public Prosecution Service, Tetum Version)

The handbook aims to strengthen the prosecution of gender-based violence (GBV) offenses by helping prosecutors, justice officials, law enforcement agents, and other stakeholders to investigate GBV and gather evidence, all while respecting the dignity of the victim and local cultural norms.

Handbook on Investigation of Gender-Based Violence Offenses for the Timor-Leste Public Prosecution Service

The handbook aims to strengthen the prosecution of gender-based violence (GBV) offenses by helping prosecutors, justice officials, law enforcement agents, and other stakeholders to investigate GBV and gather evidence, all while respecting the dignity of the victim and local cultural norms.

Second South Pacific International Arbitration Conference: Enhancing the Rule of Law & Increasing Business Confidence in a Globalized Economy

To raise awareness and discuss the positive development impact of international arbitration reform in the South Pacific, the Government of Papua New Guinea, ADB, UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific and other partners hosted the Second South Pacific International Arbitration Conference.