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Climate Change, Coming Soon to a Court Near You: National Climate Change Legal Frameworks in Asia and the Pacific

Report 3 provides holistic syntheses of the climate legal and policy frameworks of 32 countries in Asia and the Pacific and discusses key legislative trends and climate-relevant constitutional rights.

Climate Change, Coming Soon to a Court Near You: International Climate Change Legal Frameworks

Report 4 explores the Paris Agreement and the international legal framework that supports global and domestic climate action.

Asian Development Bank Sustainability Report 2020

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) Sustainability Report 2020 provides detailed information on the economic, social, and environmental impacts of ADB’s operations, activities, and institutional practices for 2018 and 2019.

Global Climate Litigation Report: 2020 Status Review

The UNEP Global Climate Litigation Report: 2020 Status Review provides an overview of the current state of climate change litigation globally, as well as an assessment of global climate change litigation trends.

Punjab Gender Parity Report 2019/2020 (Pakistan)

The Punjab Gender Parity Report 2019/2020 illustrates a snapshot on the current status of women in 2019 and 2020, as against six (6) key thematic areas which are demographics and governance, health, education, economic opportunities, legal rights and violence against women.

Punjab Gender Parity Report 2017 (Pakistan)

The 2017 report is the second annual Punjab Gender Parity Report which provides an overview of the status of women in Punjab which is examined against six (6) key thematic areas which include demographics and governance, health, education, economic opportunities, legal rights and violence against women.

Punjab Gender Parity Report 2016 (Pakistan)

The Punjab Gender Parity Report 2016 is the inaugural report which provides comprehensive analysis and insight relating to women’s rights in Punjab, Pakistan. The report closely examines the status of women in Punjab through the analysis of data culled against six (6) main thematic factors which include demographics and governance, health, education, economic opportunities, legal rights and violence against women.