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Policy Guidance Brief 4: Building Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities and Towns in Myanmar, 2017

This Guidance Brief is intended as a guide for understanding key sectoral challenges, strategic objectives and specific actions to effectively address climate change in Myanmar. Climate change is expected to have significant negative impacts on urban centers in Myanmar, including impact on urban infrastructure and services, increased rural-urban migration, enormous socio-economic costs, and health implications. Unless addressed, these impacts will impede the country’s development.

Policy Guidance Brief 1: Climate-smart Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock for Food Security, 2017 (Myanmar)

The Guidance Brief is a tool to effectively address climate change in Myanmar by aiding the understanding of key sectoral challenges, strategic objectives and specific actions. Climate change has already challenged the agriculture sector in Myanmar by affecting rice yields and livestock production. There is an urgent need of further action to promote sustainable agriculture by adapting crop varieties and corresponding farming practices, improving water management especially in rice production, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from rice and livestock farming, promoting integrated farming systems and enhancing the capacity of farmers to respond to climate risks.

Policy Guidance Brief 2: Sustainable Management of Natural Resources for Healthy Ecosystems

The Guidance Brief is a tool to effectively address climate change in Myanmar by aiding the understanding of key sectoral challenges, strategic objectives and specific actions. The protection and rehabilitation of natural resources of Myanmar are the keys to minimize climate risk.

Policy Guidance Brief 3: Resilient and Low-Carbon Energy, Transport and Industrial Systems for Sustainable Growth, 2017 (Myanmar)

The Guidance Brief is a tool to effectively address climate change in Myanmar by aiding the understanding of key sectoral challenges, strategic objectives and specific actions. Limited access to electricity in the country translates to a greater risk to energy connectivity across the country in the face of climate change.

Trade and Investment Facilitation by Arbitration and the Rule of Law

Prof. Michael Ewing-Chow talked about the effects of a change in production and trade pattern from single producer to global value chain.

Women in Leadership: The Superheroes of Tomorrow?

While female directors may not (always) be superheroes, there is little doubt that they influence firm and societal outcomes. Characterizing this influence requires a better understanding of what women bring to the boardroom table and how diversity affects firm outcomes. There is still a long way to go towards breaking the boardroom glass ceiling and more research is needed for understanding the benefits of board diversity. Find out whether female directors can help save economies and the firms on whose boards they sit.

Corporate Governance: Economic, Financing and Governance Models

Governance determines productivity and a country’s wealth. This presentation shows (i) how firms in Asia are affected by its governance practices; (ii) evidence of how ownership structure has adjusted in different parts of the world; and (iii) the various dimensions of governance and how different countries have configured the governance system.

Gatekeeper or Concierge? The Regulation of Corporate Governance and Auditing

What is the “comply or explain” approach to corporate governance? How well does this principles-based approach work? This presentation provides a working knowledge of the regulation of corporate governance and auditing. It also examines the role of external auditors in providing shareholders with reasonable assurance that numbers in the accounts are true and fair.

Shareholders: Investors or Activists

From investors in passive, index-tracking funds to active and activist investors, this presentation covers the different types of company shareholder. It also examines the concept of stewardship—the directors’ duty to protect and enhance the assets they are entrusted with.

The Board: Roles and Responsibilities for the 21st Century

What is a board director really supposed to be doing? What is the balance between engagement and independence? To whom does a board director owe loyalty? What happens when things go wrong? Directors should seek to understand the board’s role and the core principles of their duties and responsibilities. They should put in place mechanisms within the board to ensure that these duties and responsibilities are discharged. The key to board effectiveness lies as much in behaviors and relationships as in structure and processes.