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The Asian Development Bank Hosts Asia and the Pacific Judicial Conference on Climate Change Adjudication: Trends and Impacts

The Supreme Court of Fiji, in partnership with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the United Nations Environment Programme, co-hosted the Asia and the Pacific Judicial Conference on Environmental and Climate Change Adjudication (Conference) on 7-8 October 2019, in Nadi, Fiji under the banner of the Asian Judges Network on Environment (AJNE), the unique judicial association working towards strengthening environmental and climate change a

The Asian Development Bank Hosts Asia and the Pacific Judicial Colloquium on Climate Change: Using Constitutions to Advance Environmental Rights and Achieve Climate Justice

Senior judges from across Asia and the Pacific and other legal stakeholders (i.e., government, prosecutors, civil society and academicians) in this judicial colloquium discussed the role of the judiciary in advancing environmental rights and climate justice.

Pacific needs a voice in international arbitration

The Pacific is one of the few places without a legal framework to resolve cross-border commercial disputes through international arbitration. This stifles the growth of its economies, as a credible dispute resolution and enforcement regime is fundamental to their ability to attract foreign direct investment and trade with countries in other parts of the world.

ADB Supports the Establishment of Model Gender-Based Violence Court in Lahore

“Every person has the right to live, and the right to live means right to live with dignity. A person should live as a “person” and no less. Human dignity hovers over our laws like a guardian angel; it underlies every norm of a just legal system and provides an ultimate justification for every legal rule, […] making human worth and humanness of a person a far more fundamental right than the others, a right that is absolutely non-negotiable.”

ADB Supported the Creation of First-of-its-Kind Asia Pacific Judges Network on the Environment (AJNE)

ADB supported the establishment of the Asia Pacific Judges Network on the Environment (AJNE), a dynamic forum that connects judges from over 30 countries. The network is committed to providing capacity building, multilateral exchanges, and knowledge sharing on environmental adjudication, common challenges, and best practices.

ADB Assists Local and Foreign Banks in the Philippines to Establish Islamic Banks and Units

ADB’s technical assistance (TA) program to promote the Philippines’ socioeconomic development and acceleration through Islamic finance helped in the promulgation of Republic Act No. 11439. This paved the way for both local and foreign banks to establish full-fledged Islamic IBUs.

ADB Publishes Series of Knowledge-Sharing Reports on Climate Change Law and Policy

ADB published a four-part series of knowledge-sharing reports in December 2020 titled Climate Change, Coming Soon to a Court Near You. The report series aims to overcome some of these barriers and support judiciaries and legal professionals by sharing knowledge and success stories from Asia and the Pacific.

ADB Supports South Pacific “Open for Business” with International Arbitration

The South Pacific region used to be one of the few regions in the world without an effective legal framework to resolve cross-border commercial disputes through international arbitration, a private dispute resolution process that involves parties from different countries submitting their dispute to a neutral arbitrator or panel. This form of cross-border dispute resolution and enforcement regime is fundamental to foreign investment, trade, climate finance, and resolves disputes quicker than going to court.

ADB Establishes Network of University Educators to Advance the Practice of Environmental, Climate Change, and Sustainability Law

ADB established a regional network of university teachers, trainers, and practitioners dedicated to advancing the teaching and practice of environmental, climate change and sustainability law across the Asia-Pacific.