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ADB Discussed Capacity Building on Gender-Based Violence Cases with Timor-Leste Legal and Judicial Training Center

Judge Antonino Gonçalves, Director of the Legal and Judicial Training Center, met with the ADB Team to discuss customized training modules for judges and prosecutors.

Promoting Gender-Responsive Judicial Systems in Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste Minster of Justice H.E. Dr. Manuel Cãrceres da Costa met with the ADB Team to discuss more effective and efficient handling and adjudication of violence against women and girls cases.

ADB Supports the Establishment of Model Gender-Based Violence Court in Lahore

“Every person has the right to live, and the right to live means right to live with dignity. A person should live as a “person” and no less. Human dignity hovers over our laws like a guardian angel; it underlies every norm of a just legal system and provides an ultimate justification for every legal rule, […] making human worth and humanness of a person a far more fundamental right than the others, a right that is absolutely non-negotiable.”