ADB Conducts Training on Gender-Based Violence Cases for Timor-Leste Judges

In partnership with the Superior Council of Judicial Magistrates of Timor-Leste, the ADB Law and Policy Reform Program team conducted a comprehensive training for Timor-Leste judges on gender sensitization, violence against women and girls (VAWG) laws and procedures, and international best practices. The trainings were held in Bali, Indonesia from 10-17 December 2022.
The training was particularly noteworthy as it was the first time ADB trained an entire judiciary, spanning Timor-Leste’s highest court (Court of Appeal) to district courts. Delivered in three languages (Portuguese, English, and Tetun), the training was intensive, collaborative, and accompanied by a trilingual training manual for ongoing capacity building and knowledge sharing.
In developing the training modules, ADB conducted extensive stakeholder consultations and focus group discussions with judges to gain an understanding of law and practice in relation to gender-based violence (GBV), experiences of survivors, and the social and cultural norms most relevant to GBV in Timor-Leste.
Speaking about the training, Ahmed Saheed, ADB Vice-President, Operations 2 said, “No country, culture or religion is immune from what is recognized as a global pandemic of violence against women and girls. Timor-Leste has made significant advances to address gender-based violence… these advances have occurred through developing policies, national action plans, and laws. In Timor-Leste, the law of domestic violence was enacted in 2010. However, more can be done to improve the formal justice system. I believe this training will assist in this process.”
Expressing gratitude for the training, Timor-Leste's Court of Appeal President, Deolindo dos Santos, said, “I extend my respect to Christina Pak and Catherine Marsh from ADB and the entire team from ADB for providing support and technical assistance to the entire process…training in this area is extremely important. It should not just end today, let us continue in the future with the support of our partners so we can better prepare ourselves as judges to work effectively and to provide better justice, especially to women and children.”
To complement the training manual, ADB is producing a detailed post-training booklet in three languages.
For more information on ADB’s work to address gender inequality and respond more effectively to GBV, click here.