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Climate Change and Biodiversity Legal and Policy Frameworks in Asia-Pacific Developing Countries

This resource provides a tabular analysis of legal and policy frameworks addressing the nexus between climate change and biodiversity among developing countries in Asia and the Pacific.

Regional Symposium on Forest and Protected Areas Legislation and Jurisprudence: Bridging Law and Science Post-Symposium Booklet

This Post-Symposium Booklet is based on the proceedings of the Regional Symposium on Forest and Protected Areas Legislation and Jurisprudence: Bridging Law and Science, held in Kathmandu, Nepal, from 27–29 April 2023.

The Model Forest Act Initiative (MoFAI): A Global Partnership to Improve the Legal Protection of Native Forests

The MoFAI is a groundbreaking initiative to provide a comprehensive and innovative legal blueprint for legislators, policymakers, and other stakeholders in designing a modern legal framework for the protection, conservation, restoration, and ecologically sustainable management and use of forests.

“Have a Digital Highway but also Have Speed limits”: Exploring Public Resistance to Cell Tower Radiation in India

Public resistance to environmental and health safety risks from radiations emanating from cellphone towers has been sporadic but spatially and temporally widespread in India. Civic actions have been led by civic activists, resident welfare associations, gram panchayats, lawyers, scientists and even an actor from the Bombay film industry. Large scale technical systems like cell towers are remarkably resilient to public criticism. Industry response to such resistance is usually in the form of aesthetic tinkering to hide structures from public gaze, incremental regulation and science communication to assuage public doubt. The legislature, rather than Courts, has been more responsive to such civic actions.

Patent and Human Rights: Inventions and Environmental Issues

The relationship between human rights and contributions to knowledge has been at the center of important debates over the past several years. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights is in many ways the most crucial legal instrument through which the relationship between the two fields can be examined. Firstly, it recognizes, for instance, the rights to health, food and technology, which are some of the rights whose realization can be affected in developing countries that adopt or strengthen intellectual property rights framework based on the commitments they take under the TRIPS (Trade related aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) or other intellectual property. Secondly, it recognizes at Article 15(1) C, the need to reward individuals and groups that make specific intellectual contributions that benefit society.

Environmental Impact Assessment in the Mekong Region

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in the Mekong Region manual is the first time that anyone has sought to bring together in one volume an analysis of the EIA systems of each of the six Mekong countries, including the common themes and approaches.

Summary for Policymakers: Global Warming of 1.5 °C

The Summary for Policymakers presents the key findings of the Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change regarding the impact of global warming at 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways. The Report indicates that limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared to 2.0°C lessens the impact on on land, freshwater and marine ecosystems. Risks to health, livelihoods, food security, water supply, human security and economic growth will increase at 1.5°C, and even more at 2.0°C.

Legal Preparedness for Responding to Disasters and Communicable Disease Emergencies: Study Report - Lao PDR

Laos is prone to a number of different disaster and disease risks such as floods in the Mekong corridor, major droughts, earthquakes, flash floods and storms related to a heavy typhoon season, as well as human influenza pandemic. Having a comprehensive legal framework in place will facilitate fast mobilization and response in the event of an emergency and will contribute to good coordination and information exchange between different humanitarian partners regardless of whether they are local, national or international.

Climate Change, Coming Soon to a Court Near You: Report Series Purpose and Introduction to Climate Science

Report 1 guides readers through some of the basics about climate change as a defining challenge of our time. It further explains how judges from Asia and the Pacific contribute to climate governance and litigation.

Climate Change, Coming Soon to a Court Near You: Climate Litigation in Asia and the Pacific and Beyond

Report 2 contains a comprehensive review of the growing number and variety of climate lawsuits in Asia and the Pacific. It underscores the unique flavor and voice of regional jurisprudence and compares it with global approaches.