Developing Judicial Capacity for Adjudicating Climate Change and Sustainable Development Issues: Training on Environmental Law
This training was part of a technical assistance program that assisted judiciaries to develop seminal jurisprudence responsive to climate change and sustainable development issues:
- exposing them to global and regional developments in this field, especially emerging concepts, principles, and jurisprudence from different jurisdictions and international tribunals, through their participation in national, regional and international conferences;
- identifying country-specific capacity gaps and addressing them in a manner that institutionalizes trainings and lessons learned, which will then cascade to the lowest-level courts; and
- preparing knowledge products that they can easily refer to while they adjudicate disputes with climate change and sustainable development components.
Browse through the session materials for more details.
Training Materials - Environmental Law (General)
- Environmental Law - Course Outline
- Environmental Law Principles - Polluter Pays
- Environmental Law Principles - Precautionary Principle
- Environmental Law Principles - Sustainable Development
Training Materials - Air
Training Materials - Biodiversity
Training Materials - Environment Impact Assessment
Contact Person
Christina Pak
Principal Counsel
Asian Development Bank (ADB)