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Air - Course Outline

Air pollution is rapidly growing environmental problem in Pakistan. Highly inefficient energy use, accelerated growth in vehicle population and vehicle kilometres travelled, increasing industrial activity without adequate air emission treatment or control, open burning of solid waste including plastic and use of ozone depleting substances (ODSs) are some of the major causes of deterioration of ambient air quality.

Chemical substances introduced as a result of air pollution by exhaust gas from motorized vehicles are Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen oxides, Sulphur oxides and suspended particles. These air pollutants are dispersed in our atmosphere in concentrations high enough to cause serious health problems, environmental issues, global warming and climate change. Until recently, air pollution problem was not taken seriously because of the Earth's own ability to purify certain quantities of pollutants. The rapid industrial development and increased usage of motorized vehicles contributed to growing air pollution problem and environmental issues. The magnitude of air pollution has increased multiple folds and it is time to find methods to clean up the air and to keep air pollution, global warming and climate change in control. The level of air pollution in Pakistan's two largest cities, Karachi and Lahore, is estimated to be 20 times higher than World Health Organization standards, and continuing to rise. Islamabad, the capital, is perpetually smothered by a thick cloud of smog that hides views of the Margalla Hills that tower over the city's tree-lined streets.

This is the course outline on Air.