ADB Supports Papua New Guinea in Enacting State-of-the-Art Arbitration Laws to Create an Enabling Environment for the Private Sector

ADB's Law and Policy Reform Program, in partnership with the Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative (PSDI) and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) assisted with Papua New Guinea's (PNG) enactment of two arbitration laws which are expected to attract foreign direct investment and international private climate finance.
The International Arbitration Act 2024 implements the New York Convention, facilitating the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards.
Similarly, the enactment of Domestic Arbitration Act 2024 will jump-start the local arbitration climate and ease pressure on PNG courts through a referral system.
The passage of the arbitration acts was the result of six years of incredible efforts, including countrywide public consultations, extensive stakeholder engagement, preliminary capacity building, changes of government, and COVID-19 shutdowns.
ADB continues to engage in law reform efforts across the South Pacific, modernizing laws, and building the capacity of legal and judicial stakeholders.