ADB Spearheads the Model Forest Act Initiative

On 17-18 2023 July in New York, ADB convened the launch of the Model Forest Act Initiative (MoFAI) with the Global Judicial Institute on the Environment, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Commission on Environmental Law, UN Environment Programme, UN Forum on Forests, UN Development Programme and the World Bank. The MoFAI aims to modernize forest legal regimes to meet 21st century development challenges. The first stage of MoFAI will draft the General Part of the Model Forest Act and accompanying legislative guide, which can be used by legislators, policymakers, and other stakeholders to adopt a modern legal framework to better protect and manage forests, taking into account the latest science and technologies, range of stakeholders, and legal innovations. ADB's General Counsel Thomas Clark noted that the Model Forest Act would be transformational and acknowledged the support of development partners.