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Sri Lanka Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme 2014-2018

The goal of the Sri Lanka Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme (SLCDMP) is ensuring the safety of Sri Lanka by reducing the direct and associated potential risks of the country and minimizing impacts on people, properties and the economy. Its overarching objective is creating and facilitating an enabling environment for multi hazard, participatory and partnership-oriented disaster management programmes which use risk knowledge as the base, in line with global conventions and frameworks. 

Accordingly, Chapters 3 and 4 present in detail the proposed programme outcomes, and the related outputs and activities. Chapter 5 examines the financing plan, the project investment and the socio-economic cost benefit analysis. Chapter 6 describes the arrangements for implementation of the programme, SLCDMP Implementation Unit and Proposed Programme Structure along with Annex 6-1 listing the implementing Ministries and Agencies. The monitoring and evaluation process and the system proposed are explained in Chapter 7 with the necessary matrices, charts and formats attached as annexes.