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Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004, Republic Act No. 9275

The Act requires the designation of water quality management areas which shall have a governing board that formulates strategies and policies for the effective implementation of the Act, and monitor compliance with the provisions of the Act. Each management area shall have a multi-sectoral group responsible for water quality surveillance and monitoring. Further, non-attainment areas, or those water bodies where pollutants have already exceeded water quality guidelines, shall also be designated. Concerned governmental bodies and the private sector shall undertake necessary measures to upgrade the quality of water in these non-attainment areas. 

A National Sewerage and Septage Management Program shall be prepared by the Department of Public Works and Highways in coordination with relevant government offices. A wastewater charge system shall also be implemented which is payment to the government for discharging wastewater into the water bodies. Notably, the Act requires that any person who causes pollution in the water bodies in excess of the prevailing standards is responsible to remove and clean-up such pollution at his own expense. The Act also provides for the incentives and rewards to be provided to those who have undertaken innovative projects in water quality management. It enumerates the prohibited acts and provides the penalties therefor.