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Noordwijk Declaration on Atmospheric Pollution and Climate Change

The Noordwijk Declaration on Atmospheric Pollution and Climate Change declared that the composition of the earth's atmosphere is being seriously altered at an unprecedented rate due to human activity. It noted the growing consensus in the scientific community that significant climate change and instability are most likely over the next century, indicating potentially severe economic and social dislocations for future generations. The Declaration, therefore, recognized the need to increase carbon sinks, as well as ensure stable development of the world economy and stabilize carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions not covered by the Montreal Protocol. The Declaration further acknowledged the concept of climate change as a common concern of mankind, the common but differentiated responsibilities of states, the sovereign right of states to manage their own resources and the necessity of sustainable development. Given the developments on the issue of climate change, the Conference makes recommendations in connection with CO2, chlorofluorocarbons and other GHGs, as well as ministerial meetings, funding, research and monitoring, and the development of a climate change convention.