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National Climate Compatible Development Management Policy, 2014 (Papua New Guinea)

The National Climate Compatible Development Management Policy of Papua New Guinea (PNG) is founded on the vision of a robust and sustainable economy through a low-carbon pathway and green economic growth. The avowed mission of the policy is to build a climate resilient and carbon neutral pathway for climate compatible development in PNG. 

The Policy identifies and adopts fundamental principles to create an enabling environment for its implementation, including the constitution and guiding principles on the environment, international obligations, good governance, religious value, equal participation, cultural sensitivity, national sovereignty and leadership, capacity building, integrity, precautionary practice, and sustainability, with mitigation and adaptation as core policy themes. 

The Policy focuses on nine sectors, namely:

  1. Land-use
  2. Transport
  3. Energy
  4. Natural resources
  5. Green development
  6. Economic development
  7. Hazard management
  8. Public health
  9. Public infrastructure

The Policy also sets out the mechanism for implementation, identifying institutions for implementation (i.e., Climate Change Institutional Authority, and National Climate Fund), instruments including legislation and thematic plans and policies, as well as roles and responsibilities at various levels.