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Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 1994 (Marshall Islands)

The Regulations were promulgated pursuant to the National Environmental Protection Act and the Coast Conservation Act of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Their purpose is to implement said laws by establishing standard procedures for the preparation and evaluation of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). They note that EIAs are intended to help the general public and the government officials make decisions with an understanding of the environmental consequences of their decisions and take actions consistent with the goal of protecting, restoring, and enhancing the environment. 

They provide that the proponent of each proposed development activity shall submit a Preliminary Proposal at the inception of the activity. The proposal shall, at the least:

  • Identify the project proponent
  • Describe the proposed activity, methods, materials and techniques
  • Area to be affected and proposed change to the area
  • Justification of the purpose and need for the proposed activity
  • Brief statement of the possible adverse impacts to the environment and possible alternatives to mitigate the impact

Based on the Preliminary Proposal, as determination shall be made if an EIA is required or if the proposed development activity may continue. The Regulations prescribe a format for the EIA which should contain a cover sheet, summary, table of contents, proposed and need for proposed action, alternatives, including proposed action, affected environment, environmental consequences, list of preparers, distribution list, index and appendices.