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The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

The fundamental law defines the Islamic Republic of Pakistan as a Federal Republic, and provides for the areas comprising the territory of Pakistan. The constitution designates Islam to be the State religion and provides for the elimination of all forms of exploitation, and the right of individuals to be dealt with in accordance with the law. It mandates loyalty to the State, Constitution and law, and provides that high treason is committed by any person who abrogates or subverts or suspends or holds in abeyance, or attempts or conspires to abrogate or subvert or suspend or hold in abeyance, the Constitution by force or show of force or by any other unconstitutional means, as well as any person aiding or abetting the said acts. 

The constitution likewise provides for the fundamental rights of persons, which include:

  • The right to security of persons
  • Safeguards as to arrest and detention
  • Right to fair trial
  • Prohibition against slavery
  • Protection against retrospective punishment
  • Protection against double punishment and self-incrimination
  • Inviolability of dignity of man
  • Freedom of movement
  • Freedom of assembly
  • Freedom of association
  • Freedom of trade, business or profession
  • Freedom of speech
  • Fight to information
  • Freedom to profess religion and to manage religious institutions
  • Safeguard against taxation for purposes of any particular religion
  • Safeguards as to educational institutions in respect of religion
  • Right to property
  • Equality of citizens
  • Right to education
  • Non-discrimination

It also provides for principles of policy. The constitution further provides for the structure of government composed of the Executive (President), Parliament and the Judicature.