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The Child Care and Protection Act of Bhutan, 2011

The Act states that the best interest of the child shall be the primary consideration for all actions concerning children. It further allows the Druk Gyalpo, on recommendation of the National Judicial Commission, to establish a Child Justice Court or Bench which shall have jurisdiction over the adjudication of any matter or case relating to children within the general jurisdiction of the Court as prescribed under the Civil and Criminal Procedure of Bhutan, and shall be presided by a judge having knowledge of child psychology and child welfare. 

Child homes, remand homes and special homes shall also be established which shall aim to give assistance and protection to children in difficult circumstances, and provide rehabilitation for a child in conflict with the law, as applicable. It also enumerates the rights of a child in conflict with the law. 

The Act also lays down the procedure and rules applicable for the assessment, investigation, inquiry and detention of a child in conflict with the law.
