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Alternative Energy Development Plan, 2015-2036 (Thailand)

The Alternative Energy Development Plan (AEDP) states that the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources has set a target to increase the share of renewable energy, either in the form of electricity, heat or biofuels, to be 30% of final energy consumption by 2036. The AEDP presents strategies to promote the development of renewable energy in the years 2015-2036. 

For each strategy, the Plan specifies aims and particular tactics. 

The first strategy is the preparation of raw materials and renewable energy technologies, with the corresponding aim to develop production capability and management of the raw material supply chain  with appropriate technology. 

Strategy 2 is increasing renewable energy production, utilization and market potential which aims for enhancing renewable energy production and consumption capability. 

Strategy 3 is creating awareness and access to knowledge and facts of renewable energy with the corresponding aim to raise awareness and understanding on the efficient and sustainable production and consumption of renewable energy. 

The increased renewable energy production pursuant to the Plan would replace the use of fossil fuels for approximately 39,388 ktoe. It is projected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 140 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent.