ADB Launches Training for Timor-Leste Prosecutors on Gender-Based Violence Case Handling

In partnership with the Timor-Leste Superior Council of Public Prosecutors, ADB launched the first series of customized trainings for Timor-Leste prosecutors on gender sensitization and effective handling of gender-based violence (GBV) cases on 14 August 2023.
In his opening address, ADB Deputy General Counsel Damien Eastman, highlighted the significant progress Timor-Leste has made in addressing violence against women and girls while emphasizing the need to improve the formal justice system, through tailored trainings, guidelines, and standard operating procedures, taking into account the strengths of working in tandem with non-formal justice processes to improve overall justice for GBV survivors.
The trainings are supported under the Promotion of Gender-Responsive Judicial Systems TA executed by ADB's Law and Policy Reform Program.