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Updated Nationally Determined Contribution, 2021 (Nauru)

The Updated Nationally Determined Contribution of Nauru is aligned with its National Sustainable Development Strategy, and is therefore similarly structured around the seven national sustainable development strategies, namely productive land, healthy and productive people, water security, food security, energy security, healthy environment, and good governance. Loss and damage has been included as an eighth area of contribution to address climate change impacts that exceed Nauru's adaptive capacity. Each development strategy is presented with corresponding climate change co-benefits. For instance under productive land and coast, Nauru intends to develop a master land use plan for relocation of homes and critical infrastructure to Topside as part of Higher Ground initiative, as well as construct sustainable residential units on Topside (pilot Smart Village). The strategy will bring about adaptation co-benefits such as increased resilience to sea level rise, increased resilience to extreme rainfall events, increased resilience to drought and increased resilience to disruption of food supply. Mitigation co-benefits will also result in the form of increased land availability for expanded deployment of solar energy, increased land availability for high efficiency residential development, and reduced dependency on automobile transport. Furthermore, Nauru aspires to achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks by 2050, on the  basis of equity and in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty.