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Update of the Philippine National REDD-Plus Strategy, 2017 (Philippines)

The update on the Philippine National REDD-Plus Strategy (PNRS) was brought about by global and national developments which impact the REDD+ process after the original REDD+ strategy was completed. 

The PNRS is comprised of seven components namely: 

  1. Enabling policy
  2. Governance
  3. Resource use allocation and management
  4. Research and development
  5. Measurable, verifiable and reportable conditions
  6. Capacity building and communications
  7. Sustainable financing

These complementary components identify key strategies and activities in order to implement REDD+ programs and activities within a period of 10 years. The PNRS is intended as a dedicated national framework on REDD+ to ensure and enable policy environment for REDD+ implementation.