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Twelfth Five-Year Plan, 2018-2023, Volume I of II (Bhutan)

The objective of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan of the Kingdom of Bhutan is "just, harmonious and sustainable society through enhanced decentralization." It defines a just society as a society where every citizen has equitable access to resources and opportunities to pursue and realize individual and national aspirations. A harmonious society is defined as a society where every individual lives in harmony with oneself, community, nature, culture and traditions. A sustainable society is a society able to sustain its social, economic and environmental development needs. The plan identified 17 National Key Result Areas, including macroeconomic stability; economic diversification; reducing poverty and inequality; preservation of culture; healthy ecosystem; carbon neutrality, climate and disaster resilience; quality education and skills; food and nutrition security; infrastructure, communication and public services; gender equality; productive and gainful employment; corruption reduction; vibrant democracy and decentralization; healthy and caring society; sustainable human settlements; effective justice services; and sustainable water. It also discusses fiscal outlook, resource allocation as well as implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Volume I constitutes the main document setting out the plan.