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Twelfth Five-Year Plan, 2012-2017, 2013 Volume II (India)

The Twelfth Five-Year Plan proposes a two-pronged strategy focusing initially on the need to bring the macroeconomic imbalances under control and to reverse the slow down, while also pushing for structural reforms in many areas that are critical for maintaining medium-term growth. It sets a target of 8% growth over the five-year period 2012-13 to 2016-17. The Plan also presents projections of the public sector resources for the Twelfth Plan period given the target Gross Domestic Product growth rate of 8%. The Twelfth Five-Year Plan identified 12 focus areas: advanced coal technologies, national wind energy mission, national solar mission, technology improvement in iron and steel industry, technology improvement in cement industry, energy efficiency programmes in the industry, vehicle fuel efficiency programme, improving the efficiency of freight transport, better urban public and non-motorized transport, lightning, labelling and super-efficient equipment programme, faster adoption of green building codes, and improving the stock of forest and tree cover. Volume 2 covers the discussion on agriculture, industry, energy, transport, communication, rural development, urban development and other priority sectors.