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Solar Power Development Program, PM Decision No. 11/2017/QD-TTg, 2017 (Viet Nam)

The issuance governs the mechanism for promotion and development of solar power of Viet Nam. It states that the central government budget shall provide funding for establishing, appraising, publishing and adjusting the national solar power development plans. On the other hand, provincial government budgets shall provide funding for establishing, appraising, publishing and adjusting the plan for their provincial solar power development plans. It provides requirements for investments in solar power projects. These include compliance with effective laws on investment, construction, fire safety as environmental protection and compatibility with electricity development plans approved by competent authorities. Furthermore, the equipment must meet mandatory solar power technical standards. It also provides that the rooftop and building structure must be appropriate for solar panels and accessories. The electricity seller is responsible for investing in, operating and maintaining the lines and the step-up transmission substation if needed to connect with the grid of the buyer. It also provides for the mechanism on encouragement of the development of solar projects including tax and investment incentives, land incentives and entitlement to feed-in tariff. 
