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Social Reform and Poverty Alleviation Act, Republic Act No. 8425 (Philippines)

The Social Reform Agenda (SRA) is a multi-dimensional approach to poverty alleviation through the following reforms in the following dimensions: 

  • Social dimension through access to quality basic services.
  • Economic dimension through asset reform and access to economic opportunities.
  • Ecological dimension through sustainable development of productive resources. 
  • Governance dimension through democratizing decision-making and management processes. 

The Act established the National Anti-Poverty Commission as the coordinating and advisory body for the implementation of the SRA, and laid down its powers and functions. 

The People's Development Trust Fund was also established, the earnings of which, shall be utilized for scholarship or training grants for microfinance personnel, community organization of microfinance and other micro-enterprise training services, among others. 

The Act also established the People's Credit and Finance Corporation which shall be the vehicle for the delivery of microfinance services for the exclusive use of the poor.