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Second Nationally Determined Contribution, 2021 (Bhutan)

According to the Second Nationally Determined Contribution (2nd NDC) of Bhutan, its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (including forest emissions) in 2015 amounts to just 3.8 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent, which is negligible on a global scale. In the same year, Bhutan’s forests sequestered 9.4 million tons of CO2 resulting in net negative emissions of 5.6 million tons of CO2. In this regard, Bhutan continues to remain carbon neutral and maintains its commitment to remain carbon neutral. The 2nd NDC submits that there is an enhancement from the first NDC because of the improved data and information regarding Bhutan's position as a net carbon sequestering country with the utilization of the 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Guidelines, and the data on estimation of forest emissions and removals (which data has been estimated on a higher tier with the completion of the National Forest Inventory in 2016. Moreover, the broad plans and actions for low emission development identified in the 1st NDC have been further elaborated and refined through low emission development strategies and roadmaps.

In terms of adaptation, Bhutan included an adaptation component in the first NDC and highlighted 10 broad areas of priority adaptation needs. Since then, Bhutan has started the process to formulate its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) as part of the NAP readiness support.