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Samoa Climate Change Policy 2020

The Climate Change Policy is intended to set out Samoa’s plan of action and the interventions needed across all sectors, civil societies, private sectors and at the community level, to build resilience to the impacts of climate change, in line with the nation’s sustainable development objectives and to meet its regional and international obligations. With the perspective that an effective action to build resilience against climate change impacts entails a whole of government approach, the Policy represents a common reference document intended to identify the key interventions needed across the nation to build resilience to climate change and to transition to a low-carbon economy. 

The Policy primarily targets domestic actions as well as taking into account the obligations and timelines of Samoa’s international commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) set out in the Paris Agreement and SIDS Accelerated Modalities Of Actions Pathway (SAMOA Pathway). It also forms the foundation for the UNFCCC planning processes to further articulate sustainable development pathways and aspirations set forth in existing action plans. This course of action will also assist with donor engagement and leveraging assistance in the climate change space which will impact overall development for Samoa.