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Rules and Regulations for the National Authority for the Clean Development Mechanism, DENR Administrative Order No. 17 of 2005 (Philippines)

The Rules and Regulations enunciate basic policy, principles and objectives of the Philippines in relation to the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). CDM is a project-based flexible mechanism defined under the Kyoto Protocol which allows Annex I Parties to use Certified Emission Reductions accruing from activities in the territory of non-Annex I host Parties to contribute to compliance with part of the Annex I Party's quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments under the protocol, while at the same time seeking to assist non-Annex I host Parties to achieve sustainable development. 

The Rules designate the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) as the National Authority on CDM. It declares that the following principles shall guide the implementation of the national CDM policy: 

  • States have a right to, and should, promote sustainable development
  • The national approval process for proposed CDM project activities shall be transparent, participatory, credible, efficient and effective
  • The approval process must be responsive to the needs and demands of project proponents, the government and various stakeholders

The Rules and Regulations also provide the structure, powers and functions of the DENR and National Authority, the CDM national approval process, monitoring of CDM project activities, and coordination with other agencies.