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Right to Information Act, 2009 (Bangladesh)

Under Bangladesh's Right to Information Act, an "Authority" is bound, upon demand from a citizen, to provide information. "Authority" is defined to include bodies created under the Constitution or statute, but also includes private institutions run by government financing or with aid from government fund, private institutions run by foreign aid grant, any organization undertaking public functions in behalf of the Government, or any organization as may be notified under the Official Gazette from time to time. The rule allows for certain exceptions, such as when the information, if disclosed, may cause a threat to the security, integrity and sovereignty of Bangladesh, information relating to foreign policy, confidential information from a foreign country, information that may harm intellectual property, information that may harm individuals or institutions if disclosed in advance, information which may obstruct law enforcement or judicial process, information that may harm the physical safety or privacy of an individual, and information expressly forbidden by court or law to be published. The Act also provides for information to be published periodically by the Authority without need for a request.