Resolution Supporting Active Responses to Climate Change and Strengthened Natural Resource Management and Environmental Protection, Central Executive Committee Resolution No. 24-NQ/TW, 2013 (Viet Nam)
The Resolution was issued by the Central Executive Committee with the general objectives of, by 2020:
- Proactively adapting to climate change
- Preventing natural disasters
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
- Sustainable, effective and rational exploitation of natural resources
- Curbing the rising levels of environmental pollution
- Protecting biodiversity to ensure the quality of the environment
- Maintaining ecological balance towards a green and environmentally friendly economy
The Resolution also provides specific objectives by 2020 including adaptation to climate change, natural resource management and environmental protection.
The objectives set for 2050 include:
- Actively responding to climate change
- Effectively, economically, rationally and sustainably exploiting and using natural resources
- Ensuring quality of living environment and ecological balance
- Striving to obtain environmental targets at the current level of industrialized countries in the region
- English (external)