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Readiness Plan for Implementation of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions 2017-2019 (Sri Lanka)

The Readiness Plan for Implementation of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) of Sri Lanka presents a readiness phase that will extend till 2020 for the implementing of the INDCs allowing the country to prepare for the full-scale implementation of chosen INDCs. A host of groundwork and preparations need to be carried out to ensure successful implementation of INDCs to achieve the set greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets by 2030. 

Elements of focus for the readiness phase include:

  • Policy support
  • Identifying INDCs
  • External assistance
  • Baseline setting
  • Scenario setting
  • GHG emission reduction targets
  • Implementation timelines
  • Funding
  • Executing agency
  • Key Performance Indicators
  • Monitoring, reporting and verification
  • Aggregation at the national and international level

The Plan then outlines the specific readiness plans, in terms of mitigation, for the energy, transport, industry, forestry and waste management sectors. It also presents the readiness plans, in terms of adaptation, for the health, food, water, irrigation, coastal, biodiversity, urban, city planning and human settlements, and tourism and recreational sectors. The document also outlines the process for developing the Readiness Plan, as well as the implementation mechanism for the plan.