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Philippine National REDD-Plus Strategy, 2010

The Philippine National REDD-plus Strategy (PNRS) covers a 10-year horizon and sets out wide ranging strategies and activities. It is intended to equip forestland managers in the country in undertaking their responsibility to implement the REDD-plus programs, research, projects and activities with the support of international, national and local agencies, non-governmental organizations, and other support groups. After a brief introduction, the PNRS gives an overview of the forestry sector scenario in the Philippines, a review of the legal context for REDD-plus in the Philippines, and a discussion on the REDD-plus strategies. These strategies may be organized within seven overlapping components: 

  1. Enabling Policy
  2. Governance
  3. Resource Use, Allocation and Management
  4. Research and Development
  5. Measuring, Reporting and Verification of emission reductions and review procedures for non-carbon social and environmental impacts and benefits
  6. Sustainable Financing
  7. Capacity Building and Communication