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The Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998, Republic Act No. 8550

The use and exploitation of fishery and aquatic resources in Philippine waters are reserved exclusively to Filipinos. The Act requires that all government agencies and private corporations who intend to undertake activities or projects, which will affect the quality of the environment, shall be required to prepare a detailed Environmental Impact System. An Environmental Compliance Certificate must be secured from the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) prior to any development project. 

The Act gives priority to duly registered resident municipal fisherfolk organizations/cooperatives in the exploitation of municipal fishery. A license from the DENR must be secured before any person can operate a commercial fishing vessel, pearl fishing vessel or fishing vessel for research, or before any person can engage in any fishery activity. The Act provides for the prohibition and penalties relating to unlawful and unauthorized fishing, among others. It further prohibits fishing with a gear method that destroys marine life habitats such as "Muro-Ami."