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Philippine Energy Plan 2016-2030

The Philippine Energy Plan embodies specific strategic directions and action plans to guide the sector during the planning period 2016-2030. The plan is placed in context with a discussion on the energy demand-supply outlook for 2016-2030, with key assumptions, parameters and relevant methodologies. Based on the assumptions, the Plan sets out the projected Total Final Energy Consumption, as well as the Total Final Energy Consumption, by Sector. It presents 2016-2010 Sectoral Roadmaps for Gas, Coal, Renewable Energy, Geothermal, and Biofuel, with an overview, roadmap and action plan for each of these areas. It also looks into the Power Sector as a whole, including power demand and supply, transmission development and distribution development, as well as policies and program developments within the sector such as the Interruptible Load Program, Mindanao Modular Generator Set Program, Interim Mindanao Electricity Market (IMEM), Competitive Selection Process, Privatization of Government's Power Sector Assets, Wholesale Electricity Spot Market, Retail Competition and Open Access, and Missionary Electrification. The Plan also contains discussions on the Downstream Oil Industry, Downstream Natural Gas, Alternative Fuels and Technology, and Energy Efficiency and Conservation.