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Nepal National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) provides a guiding framework for the management of Nepal’s biodiversity. It has been prepared to meet the national needs for managing biodiversity on a sustainable basis for the benefit of present and future generations, and also to fulfill the country’s international obligations. It has a long-term (i.e. 35 years) vision, and includes specific short-term (up to 2020) strategies and priorities for action. The NBSAP is primarily based on extensive review of the current situation through relevant literatures, analysis of available secondary data and wide consultations with stakeholders and experts at various levels (national, regional, district and community). The primary data consisted of the views, perceptions and opinions of a total of 1,664 individuals (including 26.7% women). Individuals were consulted in Kathmandu, the five regional headquarters, 15 (out of 75) selected district headquarters and 30 communities. The CBD’s Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets provided a broad theoretical framework and technical guidance in the development of the Strategy. 

The NBSAP contains seven chapters, including: 

  • Introduction
  • The national context
  • Threats to biodiversity in Nepal
  • Efforts, outcomes and gaps in the management of biodiversity
  • Strategy for management of biodiversity
  • Arrangements for implementation of the strategy
  • Framework for Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

The description and analysis of past efforts and achievements, and formulation of strategies and actions are focused around six thematic areas: 

  1. Protected Areas
  2. Forests outside Protected Areas
  3. Rangelands
  4. Wetlands
  5. Agriculture
  6. Mountains

Fifteen (15) cross-cutting themes, including gender and social inclusion, and climate change impacts and adaptation have been dealt with separately.