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Nauru Energy Road Map 2014–2020, 2014

The Nauru Energy Road Map (NERM) 2014-2020 is founded on the existing energy sector development agenda, embodied in the National Sustainable Development Strategy 2005-2025 and the National Energy Policy Framework of 2009. The purpose of the NERM is to enable the achievement of Nauru's vision of "a future where individual, community, business and government partnerships contribute to a sustainable quality of life for all Nauruans." Its intended outcomes are: 

  • A reliable, affordable and safe power supply and services
  • A reliable and safe supply of fossil fuels
  • Universal access to reliable and affordable energy services
  • An efficient supply and use of energy
  • A significant contribution from renewable energy towards electricity supply
  • Financial sustainability of the energy sector
  • Efficient, robust and well-resourced institutions for energy planning and implementation

It further targets that by 2020, there will be 24/7 grid electricity supply with minimal interruptions, 50% grid electricity supplied from renewable energy sources, and 30% improvement in energy efficiency in the residential, commercial and government sectors.