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Nationally Determined Contributions, July 2021 (Myanmar)

In Myanmar's updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), Myanmar’s total emission reduction contributions are 244.52 million tCO2e unconditionally and a total of 414.75 million tCO2e subject to conditions of international finance and technical support by 2030. The total emission reduction will be achieved through defined sectoral targets in energy, agriculture, forest land and other land use, private sector (fuel-efficient cookstoves), and rural electrification. Given the high vulnerability of Myanmar, adaptation actions will be a key priority of Myanmar's NDC. Myanmar will initiate the process of its National Adaptation Plans and aims to build resilience of all its vulnerable communities and ecosystems, identifying and promoting the right community-based and ecosystem-based adaptation measures taking a sectoral approach. The key sectors, as identified in the Myanmar Climate Change Strategy to build Myanmar's socioeconomic resilience, are agriculture, natural resources, health, disaster risks and urban planning. Education, training and research will also be key pillars to enhance local capacities and knowledge to understand and deal with the impacts of climate change.