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Nationally Determined Contributions, 2016 (Sri Lanka)

Sri Lanka's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) comprise of the following areas: 

(i) Mitigation - reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions against the business as usual (BAU) scenarios by 20% in the energy sector (4% unconditionally and 16% conditionally) and by 10% in other sectors (transport, industry, forests and waste) by 3% unconditionally and 7% conditionally by 2030. The key contributors to GHG are Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Nitrous Oxide. 

(ii) Adaptation - building resilience in most vulnerable communities, sectors and areas to adverse effects of climate change focusing on human health, food security (agriculture, livestock and fisheries), water and irrigation, coastal and marine, biodiversity, urban infrastructure and human settlement, tourism and recreation. Adaptation initiatives that derive mitigation co-benefits will be prioritized. 

(iii) Loss and damage - in order to address issues related to losses and damages resulting from extreme weather events, a local mechanism will be developed in accordance with the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage. 

(iv) Means of implementation - external support for finance, technology development and transfer, and capacity building for the above sectors are considered in the implementation process of the NDCs of Sri Lanka. 

The NDC also presented the specific mitigation NDCs for various sectors including, energy, transport, industry and waste sectors. Adaptation NDCs were also presented for the health, food, agriculture, livestock, fisheries, water, irrigation, coastal and marine, biodiversity, urban planning and human settlements, and tourism and recreation sectors.