Nationally Determined Contribution, 2021 (Lao People’s Democratic Republic)
The Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) 2021 of Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) presents the unconditional mitigation scenario and targets it commits to by 2030 considering its own resources and existing level of support from developed country parties. Specifically, Lao PDR unconditionally targets reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, forest conservation, sustainable management of forests, buffer zones of national parks and other reserves, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks, with an average abatement of 1,100 ktCO2e/y. It also targets building 13 GW total hydropower capacity (domestic and export), introduction of 50,000 energy efficient cook stoves and a bus rapid transit system in Vientiane, associated Non-Motorized Transport component and a Lao PDR - People's Republic of China railway. Conditionally, it targets increased forest cover to 70% of land area, 1 GW total installed capacity of solar and wind power, and 300 MW for biomass; 30% electric vehicles penetration for two-wheelers, and biofuels to meet 10% of transport fuels; 10% reduction of final energy consumption compared to business as usual scenario; 50,000 hectares adjust water management practices in lowland rice cultivation; and implementation of 500 tons/day sustainable municipal solid waste management project. In terms of adaptation, the NDC identifies adaptation objectives in six sectors, namely, agriculture, forestry and land use, water resources, transport and urban development, public health, and energy.