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National Wetlands Policy, 2003 (Nepal)

The primary goal of the National Wetlands Policy is to conserve and manage wetland resources wisely and in a sustainable way with local people’s participation. The policy also aims to put the conservation and management aspects of wetland conservation within the framework of broader environmental management. The major objective of the policy is to involve local people in the management of Nepal’s wetlands and conserve wetland biodiversity with wise use of wetland resources. 

The other objectives of the Policy include:

  • Identifying Nepal’s wetlands and prepare detailed management plans for each of them to prevent degradation and disappearance of wetlands with long-term conservation and development initiatives for wise use of wetland resources by implementing the management plans on the basis of priorities, potentiality and urgency
  • Identifying local people’s knowledge, skill and practice regarding wetlands and promoting their innovations and traditional research for the sustainable use of wetland resources
  • Conserving wetlands according to the needs and on the basis of scientific knowledge and technology
  • Promoting women’s participation for the conservation, management and wise use of wetlands
  • Gradually implementing international treaties for wetland conservation
  • Disseminating information to raise public awareness about wetlands