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National Ramsar Strategy and Action Plan, 2018-2024 (Nepal)

The goal of the National Ramsar Strategy and Action Plan is for Nepal’s Ramsar sites to be conserved, wisely used and restored. Benefits are recognized and valued nationally and globally. Its objectives are: 

  1. To effectively conserve and manage the Ramsar site network
  2. To manage wetlands including the Ramsar site at the footprint of wisely used principle
  3. To engage federal, state and local stakeholders and capacitate them for the wetlands and Ramsar sites conservation
  4. To enhance the Ramsar implementation through the national and international cooperation
  5. To monitor and evaluate the implementation of the National Ramsar Strategy and Action Plan

Key actions identified by the Policy include:

  • Effectively conserving and managing the Ramsar site network
  • Building federal and local stakeholders' capacities for the wetlands and Ramsar sites
  • Enhancing the Ramsar implementation through national and international cooperation
  • Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the National Ramsar strategy and action plan