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National Plan for Disaster Management, Draft, 2021-2025 (Bangladesh)

The National Plan for Disaster Management (NPDM) 2021-25 is prepared based on the four key principles of Disaster Risk Management, adopted from Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and Standing Order on Disaster: 

  1. Preparedness to ensure that adequate arrangements are made at national, regional and community levels to combat adverse situation.
  2. Early warning and alert in order to save life, property, valuables from an emerging hazard.
  3. Emergency response in order to attend the requirements in the areas affected by any natural hazard.
  4. Rehabilitation, reconstruction and recovery to ensure that the adverse situation can be addressed in order to return to the normal situation. 

This plan provides context, legal background, implementation status of previous plans. It also discusses the likely situation of Bangladesh in the changing disaster risk context, with urbanization, industrialization, and climate change which necessitates the NPDM to be more flexible and dynamic.