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National Energy Policy and Strategies of Sri Lanka, 2019

The main objective of the National Energy Policy and Strategies of 2019 is to ensure convenient and affordable energy services are available for equitable development of Sri Lanka using clean, safe, sustainable, reliable and economically feasible energy supply. The Policy is formulated in alignment with the future goals of Sri Lanka, current global trends in energy and the Goal 7 of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. This policy is anticipated to impact the realm of social, economic and environmental spheres and pave the way to realize the vision of Sri Lanka in achieving carbon neutrality and complete transition of all the energy value chains by 2050. The document also contains a Results Delivery Framework assigning responsibilities of meeting the stated policy goals to relevant institutions. A draft of the document was amended after being subjected to public scrutiny and a review by a committee of experts related to the energy sector before publication. The document notes that the government’s drive to reach the upper middle-income level within this decade intensifies the role of energy in Sri Lanka’s economy. As a nation embarking on a progressive social market economy after a three-decade long conflict, a holistic approach to development is desirable, compared with an incremental approach. An energy policy consistent with social and economic development goals is required owing to significant impacts of the energy sector on each social and economic activity of the country.