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National Disaster Council Act, 1990 (Solomon Islands)

The Act establishes a National Disaster Council in Solomon Islands and the government agency empowered to deal with natural disasters. The Minister responsible for matters relating to disasters (Minister) may give the Council general directions necessary to be followed in the performance of its functions. The Council is mandated to establish Provincial Disaster Committees in each province for the purpose of assisting in the administration of the Act at the provincial level. The Act directs the formulation of a national disaster plan for approval of the Cabinet, which shall set out the actions to be taken to deal with disaster. The Act further empowers the Minister to declare Solomon Islands or any part thereof in a state of disaster. Where such as order declaring a state of disaster (Order) is made, the Council shall assume full and complete control of Solomon Islands or the covered portion, and take whatever safety measures it considers expedient in the public interest and for the protection of life and property. During the continuance in force of the Order, the Council may, in the execution of its disaster operations, disregard any government administrative procedure or public service rules to such extent as would be justifiable in the circumstances. Furthermore, any person who disregards or fails to comply with any order given or instructions issued by the Council during such time shall be guilty of an offense and liable to a fine or imprisonment.