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National Climate Change Action Plan for Public Health, 2019-2023 (Cambodia)

The goal of the National Climate Change Action Plan for Public Heath (NCCAPPH) is to reduce morbidity, mortality, injuries and health vulnerability to climate variability and extreme weathers. The NCCAPPH 2019-2023 builds on the previous planning documents, up-to-date information and data, research and vulnerability assessment reports. The NCCAPPH has identified 18 actions covering Coordination, Capacity Building, Research, Knowledge Management, Intervention & Infrastructure, and Finance and M&E. Addressing gender and communication are cross-cutting issue in the NCCAPPH. The current NCCAPPH 2019-2023 requires an estimation of budget of around USD 16.6 million for implementation. The estimated of USD 16.6 million does not include the costs of two actions, on improving healthcare coverage and promoting climate and disaster proofing of HCF and infrastructures. 

The impact indicators of the NCCAPPH are contributing to improve health vulnerability and exposure, health adaptation and resilience, and burden of climate-sensitive health outcomes. The indicators are: 

  • Percentage of communes that are vulnerable to climate change and health
  • Percentage of budget in health sector responding to climate change
  • Incidence of dengue fever
  • Incidence of malaria
  • Association of diarrhea with weather data (modelled) (time-series analysis)