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National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, 2017-2030 (Pakistan)

The guiding vision of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) is to provide the benefits of biodiversity and ecosystem services to all the segments of society both the current and future generations, in particular the marginalized, the poor, and the vulnerable by restoring and conserving the rich natural biodiversity heritage of Pakistan, thereby ensuring equitable sharing of benefits arising from sustainable use of biodiversity. The NBSAP identifies legal, institutional, capacity, knowledge and technical gaps in implementing the Aichi Biodiversity Targets (ABTs) and provides recommendations for overcoming these gaps. These include:

  • Raising awareness and capacity
  • Improving scientific and knowledge capabilities
  • Mainstreaming biodiversity and thereby improving national coordination mechanisms
  • Encouraging cross-sectoral collaboration
  • Adopting a fresh financing strategy

The NBSAP comprises of 74 proposed actions across five strategic goals and 20 ABTs requiring $74.8 million. The proposed actions are further classified into 31 thematic areas.

The purposes of the NBSAP are to: 

  • Review progress for Pakistan on the Strategic Plan 2010-2020 and ABTs
  • Establish national targets in line with ABTs, SDGs: National Biodiversity Strategies and Actions Plan
  • Provide recommendations to integrate Pakistan’s obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity into its national development and sectoral planning frameworks
  • Provide a framework for implementation as well as monitoring and evaluation of the National Biodiversity Strategies and Actions Plan
  • Provide a framework for implementation of provincial biodiversity action plans