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National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan, 2016-2021 (Bhutan)

The National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan of Bhutan place the plan in context with a discussion of Bhutan's conservation history and an overview of its biodiversity, as well as the policy, legal framework and international cooperation. They examine the threats to biodiversity which include direct and indirect pressures. The Plan then discusses the issues and opportunities in biodiversity conversation and sustainable use. The strategies and action plan envision a happy and resilient Bhutanese community, nurtured by rich spiritual and cultural traditions, valuing biodiversity and living in harmony with it. They set national targets based on the issues, threats, gaps and opportunities identified through a series of stakeholder consultation workshops carried out throughout the country. These include:

  • Increasing awareness of the values of biodiversity and steps for conservation.
  • Establishing national capacity for valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
  • Reform of incentives harmful to biodiversity and enhancement of positive incentives.
  • Adoption of the principles of sustainable production and consumption of natural resources.
  • Mapping of high-biodiversity value habitats.
  • Establishment of baseline for fish and key aquatic biodiversity.
  • Adoption of sustainable management practices.
  • Maintaining pollution from different sources affecting biodiversity within national environmental standards.
  • Management of invasive alien species and their pathways.
  • Identification of the potential impacts of climate change on vulnerable ecosystems and strengthening of adaptation measures, among others.